gawrsh. the cat could've been me talking.
good god! i'm reduced to one-liners!
it's my turn.
"No doubt about it. A vivacious, positive force like you needs to be represented by a color that warms up any room. That's why Golden Sunrise is the perfect color for you! There's nothing bland about you — in fact many would say you're a lively presence at any gathering! And speaking of gatherings, few are complete unless you can at least make a cameo appearance, spreading smiles, laughter, and sunshine in your wake. People can't help but light up when you walk in a room, which is the secret to how you get so much done in a day. Your sunny disposition makes you a pleasure to do business with, and that's why you're so good at making the world go around — at least your little corner of it. Nice work, Sunrise! So keep spreading those rays wherever you go!"
you try it.
"We don't need a psychic to tell us that you're giving off a Gold vibe. You couldn't ask for a better color — a glistening gold aura is as good as it gets. A lively blend of yellow and orange, gold people are happy, playful, energetic, sensitive, and generous. Always up for adventure, you'd give a friend in need the shirt off your back. You're spiritual, too — all those halos in old paintings aren't colored gold by coincidence. Almost childlike in the carefree, joyful way you live your life, you're popular and outgoing with your large circle of friends. Chances are you're so full of light and energy that you sometimes find it hard to sit still and chill out. Instead, you're constantly looking for excitement, no matter how risky or impulsive the occasion. Happy-go-lucky and always laughing, you truly are as good as gold."
i'm fixated with online tests. visit tickle to find out what color YOUR aura is.
i've fallen prey to that monthly curse called PMS and i'm walking the tightrope of self-restraint. i'm annoyed at every little sound, every little twitch and it takes incredible willpower (which i'm not privileged to have right now) not to just let everything slide. my cup of soup's helping, though. another 15 days to stick it out. i wonder if 7-11's carrying enough soup packets to last me that long.
i'm blowing smoke rings
my mind ablaze with memories
taunted by the past.
tainted by the past
i'm painting a future unsure
and my iced latté needs more caffeine.
i'm staring at the writings on the wall
that my conscience has written
and is daring me to forget.
You scored 10%
You are a respectable tuner. You probably subscribe to one or more tuner magazines and know, quite a bit about your car and/or racing in general. Either that or you play a shitload of GT3. At any rate, you recognize the difference between a wastegate and a blow-off valve. In time, and with practice, you may attain "Racer X" status since it is supposed that you are relatively new to tuning and still have much to learn. Keep, working, and thank the maker that you're not a ricer.
i read car mags in the john and i mess with my brother's gt3 saved games. so, are you a racer or a ricer?
my day's pretty mundane. been staring at the pc for five hours. i'm in the office and there's nothing to do. looking out the window would've been more gratifying if it were raining or king kong was climbing up the pacific star. well, the weather's cooperating and king kong's in hollywood so i'm stuck with my workstation.
there's something meditative about slurping my noodles, blasting away at aliens eating my fish, and listening to the ruckus krist's zergs are making on his pc. *sigh*
what is with cup noodles and yuppies? i'm a big fan of instant stuff. instant noodles, just-add-water-and-voila!-you've-got-yang-chow, and anything microwaveable. i brought chopsticks to work for noodle moments.
it's time to be one with the cosmos.
the ultrasound pictures of a pregnant frustrated racecar driver. (i can see myself on the examination table with KY jelly and the ultrasound probe moving over my belly.) this will be a loooong time forthcoming.
my winamp is blasting: metallica's call of ktulu
this is my third attempt at rewriting this entry. what the heck for? i won't call myself a perfectionist but writing is so far the only thing i feel merits perfectionism. i'm a little out of sync with my erudite mojo right now. hmm... i think i should listen to a little bach or beethoven to pick it up. nuh-uh.
i'm stuck at home. i've nothing to do and nowhere to go. it was payday last friday and the cash is still intact (except for that little stumble at the ukay-ukay). the banks are closed just when i'm feeling charitable towards my bank account. my boyfriend's out on a date with my brother. it's a "car + boys with moolah = left-out girlfriend" thing. there's nothing to watch on cable and my other brother hasn't replenished his dvd collection. i choose not to watch the artsy-fartsy films he has a penchant for buying. i'm not that bored. yet.
signing off on: collective soul's shine
shopping (as defined by paulo g.)- opportunity seeking with the funds in hand to generate the most desired profit that will satisfy all the stakeholders
went to megamall to shop but decided it was more fun to check out the local ukay-ukay for fun finds after almost 4 hours of walking around and not being able to buy anything. got me 3 scarves and 2 vintage tops. would post pics but too lazy to do so.
anyyway, this spiral made me dizzy. an interesting piece of collaborative art. See for yourself.
"i was a mountain so proud...
... i want you to be the river that flows beside the mountain."
i've long gotten off the fashion bandwagon and i hit the ground running. i'd rather not say i'm a fashion victim but i do have two cabinets and a chestful of clothes (more in the laundry bin and strewn all over my room), 2 racks of shoes (more in their boxes), 6 drawers of bags, loads of accessories and a headful of off-kilter ideas. my clothes exist for art's sake. harhar. who am i kidding?
dressing up is always a leisurely preoccupation for an ENFP such as me. there's a touch of romance and theatrics about putting on something really out of whack. i've an innate desire to "shock" or just caffeinate people for the day. heehee. i'd be a corporate mannequin one day, day after that i'm looking like a flaky college girl running off to class. today i'm a band member- all grunge but missing a pair of drum sticks or a really cool Fender. theatrics is the keyword here, people.
original post date: 10.11.2004/3:15pm
sweet. went out last saturday but the hundred bucks never left my pocket. i still have moolah for a tall iced latte at starbs or a couple of beers at aposento. on second thought, i'm swearing off the beer. for now. lousy truth serum.
i'm in a mental rut. there's a lot of stuff to write about but i couldn't make up my mind where to begin. hmm. saturday sounds good.
went to aposento to see liteswitch. their set sounded like my playlist but more mellow- dmb, tonic, and sister hazel queued. my playlist can be as colorful as my vocab with a mishmash of alternative and heavy metal thrown in with reggae, r&b, ambient and whatnot. anyway, i'm digressing.
the night started out with a coca-cola fix at brothers-rockwell. at a quarter to 10, aposento was in the view. nervous as hell, i took my first step (to freedom and everything else). good god! i was swimming in airheads! bwahahaha! this is gonna take some getting used to.
i was mostly quiet the rest of the night but my cheeks ached from laughing. was wary about the arm around my shoulder, but the hand in mine felt good.
disclaimer: i opt not to elaborate. the magic might fade.
addendum: isn't it obvious i was in stupid mode? sheesh.
a perfectly normal online conference between professionals:
pale_lips (1:16:16 PM): stands up and applauds
rowwrrr (1:16:32 PM): sits in one corner grumbling
pale_lips (1:16:39 PM): considers investing in mutual funds
Yahoo! Messenger (1:16:41 PM): kapopopoy has joined the conference.
Yahoo! Messenger (1:16:45 PM): jepazdesigntech has joined the conference.
rowwrrr (1:17:52 PM): taps her chin and pretends to be pensive
kapopopoy (1:18:06 PM): huh?
pale_lips (1:18:13 PM): listens attentively
rowwrrr (1:18:15 PM): =))
kapopopoy (1:18:54 PM): :))
pale_lips (1:19:02 PM): screams, "They killed kenny!"
pale_lips (1:19:07 PM): knows that the truth is out there
rowwrrr (1:19:19 PM): is holding the murder weapon
pale_lips (1:20:02 PM): palelips stabs jepazdesigntech
kapopopoy (1:20:25 PM): #:-S
pale_lips (1:21:33 PM): Hey room you can create custom emotions by editing the emote_user.dat file
rowwrrr (1:21:42 PM): huwaat?
kapopopoy (1:22:35 PM): hello
pale_lips (1:23:30 PM): invite pa tayo para mas masaya
pale_lips (1:23:33 PM): :))
rowwrrr (1:23:53 PM): takes jepazdesigntech's pulse and says, "i'm sorry, we can't save him"
pale_lips (1:23:59 PM): yells, "For Crying out loud!"
rowwrrr (1:24:11 PM): =))
pale_lips (1:25:00 PM): ponders, jepazdesign is currently having a deep sleep
jepazdesigntech (1:25:47 PM): I-)
Yahoo! Messenger (1:28:04 PM): jepazdesigntech has left the conference.
my apologies. was a little off today. haven't had my regular coke fix since morning and i'm missing my insaniquarium. looking forward to a late dinner with mum.
it's all about snuggles in bed
snatching kisses in between kitty naps in the crook of your arm
or that tiny little corner where your neck meets your shoulder
warm breaths and sweet nuzzling
i love how you taste oddly of my favorite toasted almonds.
the rose-red sky and the rain dance
aphrodisiac for a lovesick me.
original post date: 10.08.2004/11:27pm
truth is at the bottom of the bottle.
when the last drop of amber liquid is poured, truth will abandon its mask of stupor.
addendum: how true, how true.
original post date: 10.14.2004/11:25pm
it's been so long since
someone held my hand like this
someone got to me like this
and it's almost paris.
i'm under your spell.
you wave your wand and grant my wish
i close my eyes and await your kiss
and it's almost paris.
this is my romance.
my life starts and ends in your embrace
it's so much more than happiness
it's almost paris.
addendum: was suffering from undue post-breakup transference syndrome when i wrote this. nyaha.
the past two months was witness to a smorgasbord of bad choices. i chose to bare my sentiments to another person. bad decision. what was supposed to be my second chance at love turned out to be the most harrowing experience of my life. oh well. c'est la vie. i've tripped and gotten up and dusted off my jeans. that's that.
wrote this yesterday while fooling around, endlessly bugging krist for a decent website to visit.
i'm half asleep and i'm counting (bah) in my head.
(O)'s moving as sluggishly as a (sn).
i wish it were (S) and i was at the (ip), looking up at the (*) with a (B) in one hand and a ciggy in the other.
(L) will be (U) while rasta (8) is playing.
but hey, when the (#) comes up, (or when my head accidentally hits the table and i wake up), (C) will rescue me.
after i sent this to him on MSN v6, it was popcap for a little r&r.
addendum: krist sent me to eric conveys an emotion :: adventure edition. muhahaha. it wasn't pretty.
took a much needed sabbatical from blogging.
all of my previous posts are in draft mode.
rekindled dying (er... dead?) embers.
heehee! sparks are flying!